Prof Michelle Pinard and Dr David Burslem contribute to 39 Ways to Save the Planet BBC Radio4 Tuesday 27th April 2021
“Is logging always bad for the planet? A team from The Nature Conservancy in the United States believe they have developed a way to cut down the trees we need for construction without damaging tropical forests or adding to our carbon emissions.
Tom Heap meets Peter Ellis, the man behind Reduced Impact Logging, and his Indonesian colleagues, Purnomo and Ruslandi, who are persuading the foresters of Borneo to take up the new techniques.
Back in the UK, climate scientist, Tamsin Edwards joins Tom to crunch the numbers- how much carbon dioxide could these ideas save?
Producer: Alasdair Cross
Researcher: Sarah Goodman
Produced in conjunction with the Royal Geographical Society. Particular thanks for this episode to Professor David Coomes from the University of Cambridge and to Professor Michelle Pinard and Professor David Burslem from the University of Aberdeen.”
Link to Programme on BBC Radio 4 Broadcast
Notes for Editors
Notes for Editors | Original article: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/sbs/news/14887/ Photo by Sven Scheuermeier on Unsplash |
Published | Friday April 23rd, 2021 |