Academic Year | 2021-2022 |
ddiesel01@qub.ac.uk | |
Institution | Queen's University, Belfast |
School: School of Biological Sciences
Project: Links Between Energetics and Disease in Mammals: Use of Biologging and Remote Sensing to Assess Behaviour and Movement
Supervisors: Professor Nikki Marks, Dr Michael Scantlebury, & Dr Catherine Hambly
Undergraduate Education: MSci Zoology with Professional Studies, Queen’s University Belfast
Postgraduate Education: n/a
Research: Within mammal guilds, certain species seem to be particularly vulnerable to energetic constraints and are consequently in rapid decline. Large mammals are a case-in-point. This can be because their distributions are limited and/or because biotic conditions restrict their food intake. Other concerns also highlight the effects of disease and climate change.
To ensure future sustainable wildlife populations, we must understand the impact that each population stressor and the interactions between stressors have on wild animal ecology. Drivers such as habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict are widely accepted and easily demonstrable. However, subtle and multiplicative interactions between altered behaviours and energy expenditures in response to differences in habitat characteristics, disease status, presence of prey, conspecifics, humans, and/or other environmental perturbations including changes in climate are less well explored. Such interactions therefore warrant more attention for mitigation planning and species conservation.
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