Who are our women in science? We support the scientific research of many women, you may have seen us tweeting about them over the last couple of weeks! Now you can read about a handful of them below:
Twitter handle: @scottishseabird
Danni is researching the foraging behaviour of #FalklandShags. By collecting diet samples, tracking & dive data, she will identify what the shags are eating, where they go to feed, & why this differs between birds, to test ecological theory & inform marine management.

Twitter handle: @Emmahayes1998
My research investigates the sources and transfer mechanisms of nutrient and sediment losses from agriculture alongside exploring potential management techniques to improve widespread poor water quality by combining field sampling with remote sensing and modelling methodologies.

Twitter handle: @RuedaUCristina
Cristina is studying hummingbird movement and their key role as pollinators in high-Andean ecosystems. She aims to understand how landscapes in tropical mountains provide connectivity, using a combination of animal tracking methods, molecular tools and ecological modelling.

Twitter handle: @Heidi_McIlvenny
Heidi is exploring the role of Ireland’s seagrass meadows in a changing climate, answering questions such as (i) how are anthropogenic influences affecting the resilience of the meadows, & (ii) to what extent are seagrass meadows a nationally important carbon store?

Twitter handle: @TillySScott
Within my PhD, I am exploring the hypothesis that the duplication of transposable elements (mobile genetic units), which can lead to increased genome size and generally cause harm to the organism they exist within, led to amphipods colonising the deep sea.
Twitter handle: @AurielESumner
I’m in the last year of my PhD and I am a #firstgen #womaninSTEM my research is in collaboration with @MarineScotland and focuses on using #molecular tools to discriminate between and quantify harmful phytoplankton species that co-occur in #Scotland