Academic Year 2022-2023
Institution University of Aberdeen


School: School of Geosciences

Project: Understanding Social Values on Low Carbon Sub-surface Technologies in Scotland and Northern Ireland

Supervisors: Dr. Tavis Potts, Dr. Clare BondDr. Wes Flannery

Undergraduate Education: BSc Environmental Sciences, University of Balamand

Postgraduate Education: MSc Environmental Partnership Management, University of Aberdeen

Research: In this project, I will be mapping the level of public understanding and social acceptance of CCUS and allied technologies such as hydrogen production and low carbon power generation in two or more contrasting UK regions. Within the chosen regions, I will be examining the social values on carbon capture and storage (CCUS), geological storage for energy and hydrogen production as low carbon technologies of regional interest at early stages of development.

This project will address a knowledge gap in understanding:

  • The local contexts and dynamics of proposed industrial and technological changes to achieve net zero
  • How local context can influence the acceptability, direction, and uptake of low carbon technologies
  • How engagement strategies can be materially improved at a local scale
  • What this means for the delivery of the national climate and energy goals in the home nations, the wider UK and international context.

I will be engaged in the activities of the interdisciplinary Aberdeen Centre for Energy Transition and be engaged with industrial and policy stakeholders across the UK.
